Friday, December 18, 2009

~~Dinner at Eden~~

Yesterday Ganesh called up and voluntarily agreed to give us treat.Opportunities like these are rare as most of the time treats which I get/give are given out of demand,compulsion or threat.

Hotel Eden was suggested and when Ganesh asked the route to reach it ,I sent it out using google maps,makes life very easy these days, no confusions of telling left and right or mentioning some landmarks which will hidden from the eyesight.

Since the hotel was on the way home from my office I jumped from the bus when the place crossed.Soon after I was joined by Diana, Ganesh ,then Shalu and family.Now we were all set for dinner.Since this was my first visit to that place I liked its ambiance.Menu card was looking little Greek and Latin and it Shalu our expert taster suggested the menu's for us.

Sweet corn was used to be my favourite dish, so Shalu suggested a toast for starter which I liked and for main course I choose corn something which turned out to be a bigger toast with greater quantity, thats what happens when we try out to order something new. I ended up eating bits and pieces from everybody Else's items.Finally we ended with good dessert with Ganesh eating something called as 'I can't see my waist down'.

Most of the food we ate would have got digested because of the fun and laughter we had during the dinner.Thanks Ganesh for your Magnanimous treat!!!

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