Monday, December 14, 2009

~~Cataract treatment~~

My grandpa is the database for all the restaurants in the city, if you tell the area he will say what are the good restaurants around it.Or if you tell the restaurant name he will say where and all its located in the city.

Monday morning I took him to eye clinic to remove the cataract formed in his eye.We had the appointment at 9am at Annanagar and he planned the day perfectly.When we were leaving the house around 8 30 grandma asked to have breakfast and leave but he said no to that since he cant afford missing the appointment.

On the way he said ,there is restaurant named Balaji Bhavan nearby and we can finish the breakfast there after the treatment.We reached the clinic being a Monday morning it was not much crowded and within 15 minutes we were called in.

Coming to treatment,it was a laser treatment,the doctor took time in positioning the eye and once he has done that it was hardly a minutes job and the whole thing was over within 5 minutes. I remember some 10 years ago my other grandma has a similar operation but she had to be in hospital for three days and take rest in the house for a month wearing a cooling glass looking like lady MGR. We have come far away from those days such that my grandpa could even plan where to have his breakfast after the treatment not even having the slightest worry about the whole thing.

Good to see technology has improved by leaps and bounds over the years making life easier and simpler.But at the same time the cost for treatment. I m not sure that all the people can afford the same.

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