Thursday, November 19, 2009

~~Book I read~~

After a long time I m read a big novel it took more than two weeks to complete it,I would rather say I read it slowly relishing every bit of it. 'The great Indian novel' by Shashi Tharoor is one of its kind. The story set in late19th century takes us through the Indian  freedom struggle and some 30 years of post Independence.

Author's creativity is at its best when he maps the characters of Mahabharatha and to the then politicians.Novel is divided into 18 chapters similar to Mahabharatha and each one is a well written. Incidents like Dandhi march, partition of India ,Emergency are written in a new prespective which is funny as well as thought provoking.

Novel is written as if Ved Vyas is narrating the story to Ganapathi ,with a starting note India is not a underdeveloped country but highly developed one in an advanced state of decay and goes on describing the events which affects the lives of Indians.End with same note do you still think India is a under developed country.After reading this novel my respect towards Shashi Tharoor has increased 10 folds. As the title suggests its certainly 'The Great Indian Novel'

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