Friday, October 16, 2009

~~Shopping on diwali Eve~~

Today my grandpa gave me some money and asked me to dress for diwali . Since I didnt want to spoil the day by shopping I put the money in my wallet and totally forgot about it.

When was having dinner my cousin asked me we could for shopping ,grandpa had given money to him and he got excited and wanted to shop immediately. Since it was past 9 I thought let us give us a try. When we were about to leave my dad said he needs one tshrit and uncle also echoed the same.Hmmmm all people are good at outsouring their tasks

We walked all the from home to Pursavakam, even at 10 in the night all shops were pretty much crowded. But it was better than what I expected we went into one shop and since I never bother to waste time in choosing my attire I grab two things(one for me n other for my dad) and waited for my cousin to choose his.Then we grabed another quickly for my uncle. Felt proud that my diwali shopping didnt take more than 30 minutes.

When we were returning back there was a buzz around Abirami theatre lots drum beats and whistle people carrying cutouts.When we looked closer its for the movie getting released on Diwali,thats the tamil crowd on diwali's eve. Atleast producers have become intelligent these days not releasing all the movies on diwali.

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