Saturday, October 24, 2009

~~Shopping at Lankmark~~

Its been more than a month when I was free in a weekend, today had little bit of work to do in office. When I was done with work it was around 2 pm not a good time to go home and disturb the people who are having afternoon nap.I decided to go to Landmark.First I drove my bike to nearest ATM and withdrew cash.I have made a habit whenever I visit a bookshop I never pay by card but rather by cash so that I can keep by spending under control,get required number of books and also the final selection is best from my liking.

Its been quite sometime I visited the place and there were lots of new collections,apart from that sale was going on for old books.Since I had plenty of time to kill I patiently went through most of the collections.

Books I got today (high level detail)
1) Two States by Chetan Bhagat - Main reason I went to Landmark
2)Chai,Chai by Bishwanath ghosh- A book about Indian railway stations
3)The great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor- Mahabharata in 21st century

Apart from that tomorrow is Keerthi's birthday so thought of getting something useful. Went to Architecture section and got the book 'Adventures in Architecture' by Dan Cruickshank. A book describing all great monuments and buildings visited by Dan.

When I totaled these four books some 50 bucks were still remaining,so grabbed the copies of week and business today so that I am on par with my estimate.


  1. Whenever u go thru these books, do let us know whether its a good read or not

  2. Sure buddy ,once I m done with a book I will write a short review about it!

  3. time..pick-up a tamil book which goes by name 'moonru viral" (three fingers!) - not read but read it's good read...ooops!!!

  4. hey is that the translated version of Musharaf's autobiography ?
