Friday, October 9, 2009

~~Nobel peace prize to Obama~~

What would have been in the minds of Nobel committee for choosing peace prize. Instead of giving the prize to people who have made the world a better place they choose to give it to the person who has the power to do that in future.I think this is the first time this award is given to a person who visioned what to do rather than doing it upfront.

Can the same committee give the prize to a person who visions to discover medicine for AIDS or give it to a person who promises(like our Indian politician) to eradicate poverty. Maybe they would have got frustrated seeing that giving this prize to people who did things is meaningless so better encourage the future generation.

Preemptive strikes are only heard in wars but giving this award to Obama is similar to that.Hoping that he will think twice before taking a harsh decision which would make this Nobel peace prize meaningless.


  1. not much to think about that decision... if i became president after Bush, I'd get Nobel prize too!
