Monday, October 19, 2009

~~My verbal (dis)ability~~

Whenever I take any competative exams one section which I always mess up with is verbal ability.How much ever I tried improving ,it hasnt yielded fruitful results. This hardship with verbal stuff dates back to 2004 when I first appeared for cat, I dont remember exactly how much I scored during that time. But in 2006-07 when I scored a overall 98.5 percentile in CAT it was the individual verbal scores which pulled me down. In 2007-08 was worse than previous year with verbal scores touching negative marks,after which I made a desicion not to write CAT again.

After this my friends insisted on trying GMAT, by looking at the model of the examination which included 50% weightage devoted to verbal assessment I know that was not my cup of tea.Three months ago my paasakara(lovable) friend Raj told he had some dollars left in his AMEX card account and booked a GMAT exam slot for me. He thought that since he paid the money for the examination I would put some serious effort. But things didnt turn that way even if my dad would have put some money I would have opened the book but I never bothered to open the book just because its Raj's money. One thing I took was a mock exam which literally mocked my prepartion for the D day.

Finally when the D day came I went to the exam hall like going for a picnic wrote the exam with full enthusiasm.When the results came it was as expected with myself scoring high in quants and reaching all time low in verbal.There should be light at the end of tunnel but for my verbal skills it has entered a black hole :)

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