Wednesday, October 7, 2009

~~My dad's Press Conference~~

Last week when preparations for inaguration of temple of consciousness was going in full swing, dad planned for a press conference giving upfront information on what's the motive behind the initiative.

Everything was well planned and around 30 people from the media acknowledged to attend it.The conference was around 9 30 and my dad was getting geared up for the occasion. After an hour I called him up and asked how did it go ,he gave a disappointing reply that only three people attended it.

What had happened earlier in the day was a notorious gangster was shot dead by a police encounter in near kallanai road. So the entire media gang rushed up to cover that hot news leaving my poor dad all alone.

But this didnt end up here until the inaguration was over my dad was getting random calls from the same people asking him to put up advertisements in their papers which my dad refused.

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