Thursday, October 22, 2009

~~Dinner at Thatu kadai~~

Yesterday night myself and Raj were doing some window shopping commercial street,since diwali has just been over I was nt interested in getting stuffs.Then when it was time for dinner Raj told he will take me to a place which he has discovered recently.

The place was smaller than a petty shop located in Veera pillai street in Bangalore.You can easily miss this shop but for the crowd outside.Menu is limited it serves only idly masala dosai and onion dosai.For it they give three varieties of chutnies.Four idlies cost you 10rs and a dosa the same amount. So whatever you order costs you 10 bucks max. Also the idlies were hot and delicious and great to eat in that cool climate. We finished our dinner within 40rs but our stomachs were pretty full.

Just thinking why cant these types of outlets cant be opened in our office premises.


  1. I think i've tasted there. Is it behind commercial street. Used to be very tasty BUT always big crowd

  2. yupp right behind commercial street n pretty crowded one needs to fight through to get his stuff!!!
