Tuesday, October 13, 2009

~~Afternoon Nap~~

One thing which I have mastered over the past four years working in IT industry is the art of sleeping in front of the workstation when people around sees, it will look as if I m thinking seriously to solve some major issue. Mostly its in afternoon after having a heavy lunch(grandma's of course) when my body would no longer take strain of staying awake I used doze off for 10 to 15 mins. Since nobody had noticed this it had become one of my usual routine.

Last week when I was in middle of this dozing ritual one of my colleague pinged me for some clarification. She got puzzled seeing me in front of the system and getting no response from my end. Then she came directly to me desk woke me up with a look how long this is going on. I bragged about how clever I m doing this routine exercise.

Today afternoon when I in my dreamland I was slapped on my back and woke up to see my entire team standing around me.They had the looks of seeing some unique creature in the zoo.Only thing I could muster to them was to don't waste time and go ahead and carry on their work.

Getting good sleep is God's gift ,don't know why some people are jealous when they see people around them sleeping :)

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