Thursday, September 3, 2009

~~YSR's death~~

In our country particularly Andhra Pradesh there have been frequent political deaths by air crashes over the last decade. In 2001 it was our then speaker Balayogi was killed in a copter crash. Then in 2004 it was actress Soundarya who met with the same fate while canvasing for a political party.Now its the Chief minister of the state ending up lost in the middle of jungle,later confirmed dead.

24 hours is pretty long time to locate the debris of the helicopter.The situation would have been worse had the CM survived the crash and let alone inside the jungle or he had been kidnapped for ransom by the naxelites in that area.

This highlights the lack of technological devices we have to track down to places inside the forest and need for improvement in disaster management in a critical situation like this. To avoid future copter crashes safety measures are need of the hour.

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