Wednesday, September 23, 2009

~~Subscribing Computer Magazines~~

In our company we used to get some award points whenever we do something good or achieve some milestones. These points can be redeemed to get something in return. I have never bothered to check those stuffs because I know my standard of working :)

Sometime back one of my friend told me there are some points credited for people who have completed 3 years in service,since I have completed 4 years I checked it. As she told some points were credited longtime back. So I looked for items to redeem I didnt find anything interesting and in the end opted to subscribe to 'Computer Active' magazine for a year, my one time favourite.

In the end of nineties I was crazy to get magazines like PC quest,CHIP etc mainly for the CD coming along with. I would install whatever freewares,sharewares,tools,games available in that. Sometime filling my the entire hard disk. Those were days my techie skills were upto date and knowledge about PC's were in finger tips. The happy times stopped as soon as I entered 11th standard when PC was taken away from me and there was no point in renewing the subscription for those magazines after that. After that I studied four years of computer science and engineering and worked for 4 years in IT industry but craze to explore more about PC's and tools was lost.

So after almost a 10 year gap when I read a computer magazine I feel like a lost man in desert.Most of the technological updates are like greek and latin to me and I m thinking twice before installing it in my PC and test the same.

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