Monday, September 28, 2009

~~Not a best way to start a weekend trip~~

Brief introduction of people in my weekend trip:

Raj : My ex roomie (yea the same guy who is learning Salsa)
Saravanan : My ex team mate(a guy passionate about Indian temples and heritage)
Padma : My ex PM(we worked over the phone for more than a year)
All the three are coming from Bangalore!

Main objective of this Trip: Attend Banu's marriage who is more than a colleague to me,a sister which I had never had.

Coming to the beginning of the trip...

I reached Tenkasi by 9 o clock after a 12 hour journey from Chennai, I called up my Raj and asked where he is ,he annoyingly replied Virudunagar, I asked how the hell did you ppl end up there, he said that's because of my suggestion. When we were planning this trip Raj asked me way to reach Tenkasi from Bangalore,I gave few options like reaching Tirunelveli and take a bus from there or reach Kollam and get a bus from there,as a last option I told him to reach Madurai and from there buses to all South TamilNadu will be there and he took that as the best option and from there he took a government bus to Tenkasi and scolding me all the way.

For Saravanan and Padma who were accompanying him ,if travelling was frustrating experience, problems created by Raj were even more tiring than that.Just because he has been in USA for some 200 days he complains about all things and process followed in India. So getting in a government bus was something untouchable to him.When they stooped for having breakfast at Rajapalayam ,Raj started complaining about the restaurant not about its food or hygiene,his problem was with the waiter just because he was not smiling at him and he threatened to walkout for that.

In the other end I was killing my time reading newspaper from pillar to post,after that I started reading Vikaten once I was done with that ,I started reading Kumudam. We had planned to have bath at Kutralam that morning but still there were no signs of them.Everytime I called for update Raj used to give same answer we will be there in an hour. 10 11 12 1.... finally they reached Tenkasi around 2. After freshening up,we went out for lunch but since we were late all the shops had closed their stalls then we found this good place suggested by Banu's father Vinayaka mess ,a place we got attached to for rest of the trip.

After lunch we took a local bus to Kutralam to finally have the bath for the day.
(to be cont...)

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