Monday, August 10, 2009

~~Weekend at Bangalore~~

Friday night when I boarded the train I never expected Bangalore to be so cold at this point of the year, by morning I could feel freezing air blowing inside.But this blog is not about the weather but about the things which made the trip memorable.

A) Priceless book :
I can always count on Krishna , whenever you say to pickup from the station ,he will be waiting in front of taxi s to receive me.This time too he was on dot. From there we went to his room, talked about his new career in advertising ,I gave him the book I got last month regarding advertising industry. In return he gave me 'To cut a long story short' a book by Jeffery Archer. Since I never miss any of his books I said with a disappointed tone I have read this book. He gave a cunning look and opened the first page of the book, there I saw a signature. It took sometime to realise it was personally signed copy from Jerrery Archer!!!

B)Wonderful Evening :
I called all my close friends to meet up at MG road on Saturday evening.I reached the place a little early but weather didn't spare few others as it started pouring,pity to see few pals getting drenched completely.We went a Amoeba for bowling. When you meet your old friends you feel younger and if you start playing with them you become as crazy as you used to be. Once we were done with gaming we went to snack at MacDonald and sellted down near a coffee shop and started talking, It was almost 11 when we were done talking and returned back home.

C)Scenic Lunch:
Sunday started quite tense with newspaper warnings about possible bandh in the city,since Tiruvalluvar statue was getting opened on that day.When I came out much to my relief shop were opened and vehicles running usual except for few security personal at every corner of the road. I met my cousin near her place.Since it was quite a time we met, we had lot of catching up to do. Our first stop was at Lalbagh, there was a flower show in there. It was beautiful to elephants and teddy bears carved out of flowers. From there we went to have lunch at Ebony in MG road,the restaurant is located in 13th floor and the view of the city from there is excellent,our table was near a open window and there was this continuous gentle breeze throughout the time. Not for lunch but for the view one should visit this restaurant.

D)Meeting my former Project Manager:
When I was in Cochin I used to work with a PM who worked from Bangalore, we talk often but we have never met during the 18 months I worked in that project.Even though I didn't say about the trip Bangaloreto her,she got the news via my friend. So I squeezed an appointment with her on Sunday evening.My friend and I met her up in Forum and we were chating for sometime.Then we went to her home for a cup of coffee.I was thinking how well the technology has improved without meeting a person before how we could build good relationships.

Finally no trip end with some bitter memories Sunday night I was waiting with my friend for my train to come.Train should come around 11 and leave by 11 15 but there was no signs of it.Then we heard an announcement the train has been delayed by two hours.I asked my friend to leave and sat in the one of the cold benches and started reading a book. When I was done with the book the train came at 1:15 am.

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