Tuesday, August 25, 2009

~~Weekday shopping~~

If you ask me when is the best time to go for shopping ,I would say its on any evening between Tuesday to Thursday. These are the days in which you can beat the crowd and select your things patiently.These are the days you can park you bike in a space where a bus can be parked. These are the days in which you will get royal treatment from the salesman, you need not wait for your turn for the trial room nor wait for crowd to move away from the place where you need to pick your stuffs. nor you need to stand in the queue to get you things billed.Last you will get a feeling that you really enjoyed your shopping .

Today I left office early to pick up my bike from the service center ,since I was home around six o clock I decided to go to Shopper s stop where a sale was going on . I was badly in need few T shirts. Since I went alone I took time to select them. After trying out more than 10 t shirts got two shirts for 600 bucks(after 50% discount).

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