Thursday, August 27, 2009

~~Taking a telephonic interview~~

Today after having lunch I was looking forward to a lazy afternoon but my PL sent across a mail asking me and my colleague to interview four candidates. I have taken face to face interviews before but never taken telephonic interviews. Since my colleague has taken those before I said I will just observe it pulling in when its needed.

The first call ,once the person took it what we could hear was lots of background noises he said he's travelling and not the right time to call. Wonderful start.

Second one we got through the call and my colleague started with few simple questions andwe noticed that the guy was slow in answering and my colleague decided that he might be up to something. There are many ways to forge a telephonic interview ,simple one is to search for answers in google then and there and reply the same.So we need to ask some real time scenarios for which searching in web doesn't help much. Then my colleague was asking him few random questions and scenarios .After 20 mins I lost my patience and said to end it soon. But my colleague insisted one interview should last atleast 30 mins. In the end the conversation lasted for 40 mins and finally he said that candidate is not suited. I was wondering why cant this could have been decided in 15 to 20 mins ,at least saving my time.

Since there were two more calls to go I was praying that this boring routine should end soon.
My prayers were answered .On the third call,a woman picked the call and said the guy was not well and the final call left unanswered. I dint know whether I will accept these kinds of tasks once again.

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