Wednesday, August 12, 2009

~~my quite blogging~~

Eventhough I have been blogging more than a year I have never told people around that I blog. Mainly because there is nothing useful reading my scribblings ,apart from that when people read the blog more care I should take I write properly(maybe not necessary :)).Once I told about my blog to my cousin ,she read the blog in which I have pulled her legs a lot and she immediately threatened to report the blog as abuse(which I didn't mind) .

Today in office my colleague asked me do I read blogs,spontaneously I blurted out I have one.
Then I gave her my blog link to her. After reading few of my blogs she replied saying you have good writing skills(God save English writers).This didn't stop here ,she read blog in which I have written about the discussion I had with her about how to track the spending in web. Then she told that she was feeling as happy as if her name came on the newspaper(This was toooo much :)) .

In the mean time another colleague passed by my system looked at the blog and asked why I m orkuting in office. I said my mistake and closed the window.

1 comment:

  1. Orkuting in office....hahaha..hey i didnt translated tht one for u....the fun part will end if translated... :)
