Friday, August 21, 2009

~~Eating at Bombay Halwa~~

Every Friday night if I m not travelling anywhere ,I make it a point to take my grandma out for dinner ,each time we experiment in a new restaurant in our locality. Soon after my cousins also joined this party.Every Friday I used to get a call from them, when I m in the bus, mentioning the place where they are having dinner .

One good place we found was Bombay Halwa a restaurant nearby,it is so good that we stopped trying out at different places and stick to this restaurant for quite some time. Items like Koki,Fulka,naan,parantha etc are excellent not to mention the side dish. Only thing which poses a problem to me was I end up paying the bill every time just because I came up with the idea.
Today I got a small victory that I made my cousin to pay the bill ,even though it was not the full amount.


  1. Sri...while i was in Madras, i thought of going a restaurant, nearby your place. It's name is Ganga(seems newly renovated)near Ayesha. Next week have the dinner there and tell me how it's.

  2. Yea I remember seeing it ,will try that next time and post comments :)
