Monday, August 17, 2009

~~Bus Journey~~

The journey back to Chennai was an experience which I should forget soon,since I did not have advance reservation I got into a bus in which the person was shouting Chennai chennai. Got a window seat and seated comfortably,bus started moving just when I thought everything was fine it started raining heavily. Normally it shouldn't have bothered me but water started pouring from the top of the bus directly on my head, its was like getting a free shower and within few minutes I was like a wet chicken. So I started wondering what is worse than than sitting like this,better option is to start thinking about my life , future , ways to achieve my ambitions. Dont know when I slept and bus reached Chennai at 4 am (more faster than I expected). I reached came and crashed into bed directly.

I started to office a little late than usual ,caught my office bus around 8 45 , it was raining continuously that time . Because of the rain there was chaotic movement of vehicles and bus was moving inch by inch. Finally it reached office around 11 30. My energy to work got drained as soon as I reached my desk!

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