Monday, July 6, 2009

A small statistics on my birthday

Day before my birthday one of friend asked me to calculate the number of people who wish for my birthday.Since I usually brag about the number of acquaintances I have ,I said it will be difficult to keep in track of those. But she asked me to give a try.
So the statistics goes like this ,it may not be accurate deviation of one or two is applicable.
No of people who called --> 39
No of people who mailed --> 11
No of people who smsed --> 8
No of people who scraped--> 62
Apart from this more than fifty people in my office wished which I am not listing here.

I liked one of the cards sent by my friend which I have attached below.

Good thing about office,since its located in far away land there are no proper restaurants nearby so my team was to contented with the treat I gave in the canteen.
But I could not escape from my uncle who made sure I get a hole in my pocket for my birthday treat :)

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