Thursday, July 2, 2009

Significance of July second

Apart from being my birthday ,July second is 183rd day of the year ,which is the middle day of the year. Or we can say July 2nd marks the begining of second half of the year. Time to introspect how well the year has gone ,whether the goals are acheived ,what else challenges we have to over come. What could be done in the later half of the year.
So i thought I would revisit my new year resolutions took in begining of this year and how well I have fared in keeping them up.

1) Get up early in the morning(time not yet decided but it will be earlier than 9am which is my current raising time)
--->getting up before the sun rises(surprised myself)
2)Reduce weight(let me put 5 kgs,I know its easier said than done)
--->maybe increased it by a kg or two(utter failure), no hope in reducing in later half of the year with the quality food I get.
3)Devote some more quality time for reading books(shd be quality books)
-->Reading more than a book per week(pats on my back)
4)plans for future(MBA???)
--->still planning whats good for me(shd work it in later half of the year)
5)Last but not the least continue blogging :)
--->yupp still continuing it (keep it up)

Good to three out five resolutions are on track ,one unrealistic and other one acheivable. Lets see how it goes in later half of the year.

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