Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bad experiences with mobile phones

When it comes to mobiles I never kept one properly for more than a year and always its the mobile which starts to behave erratically after sometime. First was my nokia mobile which on one fine day started blinking like a flash light and nothing came on the display, I spent few bucks on formatting it but the same problem occurred again and again. This pain ended when my friends threw me along with the mobile in the beach and the mobile succumbed to drowning in sea water. Then I got a Motorola KZR which was working fine until one day no sound came from it.When taken to service center they said there is no problem with the speaker but the mother board got corrupted.Since it was under warranty I got it replaced for free but it was giving problems then and there mainly by not ringing when it matters the most. This mobile also faced a similar fate when it got drenched in the rain while I was frantically calling my dad to let him know that his new car has been smashed up by a big tree.

Finally I got a Sony ericsson w series mobile last year, it was a cool companion during my bus rides to office,used to hear songs all the way. It too had performance issues by shutting itself down when we try to multitask it, for eg.
a)when you are playing a game or listening to songs when a call comes asking for you need a credit card .
b)When you are trying to take a picture and suddenly an sms comes asking you whether need to latest information on cricket scores.
c)When it desperately tries to search for signal and we ask it do a different operation say want to see the time.
d)Whenever it works properly for more than a week ,signaling me it needs a break.

Today I dont know what I did to it suddenly it got switched off ,alas its never turning on again. Its early to decide what to do next ,getting a new mobile is still an option which I m sure will lead to a vicious circle.

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