Saturday, May 30, 2009

Experiences of getting my hair cut !

Hair cut is one of the things I take special precautions, not because I care how they cut my hair but I care for the person who cuts my hair. My hair is dense,thick and rough,say if I had my hair grown for a month one can easily hide his pen inside it.Even if I shake my head ferociously it wont fall down.

Given this scenario I go to a barber shop and that fellow sprays water on the head,he wont realise the water hasn't gone inside. After few sprays he will start using the scissors and find he could not cut ,he will try another scissor and do the same with much bigger force.Sometimes I used to think I have come for hair cut not hair pull.Getting a hair cut was always a horrible experience from my school days,1st my dad used to scold me I didn't have a proper cut and then in the school within two weeks of time I would be asked to cut the hair again.

Then in my high school days I found the right barber,a guy who likes challenges he used to say that cutting my hair gives him job satisfaction than anything else.Till my college got over things went well.

Then my job took me to Kerala then trouble started again I had to speak to barber in different language and get things done. The first time it was a horrible experience, the guy who couldn't cut my hair started saying that the hair goes inside the scissors but not getting cut.I said to put some water on my head and then cut it,he almost pour half glass of water on my head then started cutting.I was looking like a wet chicken after the hair cut. I made a resolution that day to pour water on my head myself and then go for cutting so that it makes their job easy.But people used to ask me did I have a bath or got wet in rain etc.
To makes things easier whenever I needed a haircut I planned to go home for that weekend and get the thing done by my good old barber.Most of trips to home though I miss to visit few of friends I never miss the visit to saloon.

But this month I couldn't find time to cut my hair when I was in home.Now I had the problem to face a new barber.Today morning I went to the nearby saloon,with proper precautions taken like I wet my hair. That guy asked me whether he can cut with a machine,I said fine.After sometime he could the machine couldn't b use the hair was wet.Then he tried scissors and he was struggling after few cuts here and there,I asked him to use machine again and somehow managed to finish it off.When it was over I could he his stress level has come down and had looks of a person who has achieved something great(maybe!).
PS:I m having my hair style similar to a military person!

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