Saturday, May 23, 2009

Early morning at beach!!!

This weekend I went to my cousin s house in Triplicane, I never know when I will get used to the narrow lanes of Triplicane,every time I go there I get lost, call my cousin later to get the correct way. This time I was going there straight from my office ie from a different direction and it took sometime to get the route right.
My Athai is recovering from cataract operation ,there was a gang of relatives from my native to meet her. Since I didnt expect their presence and was caught unexpected,I was rallied with questions when I will marry,do I need their help,recommendations,suggestions etc. habba it took sometime, to escape from them diplomatically.
My cousin suggested me to go to Parthasarathy temple in the evening with my nephews. But after going there I was astonished to see huge crowd,there were big queues at all the sanathi's. Since I didnt have patience to wait,we quietly came back home after doing a round inside the temple.
My nephew's asked me stay that night,I said ok on one condition we are going to beach to see sun rise. Even thought its summer vacation for them and getting up early was not in their books they accepted my condition.We saw IPL that night and when we went to bed it was almost 12.Since getting up early up has become a habit for me(Thanks to my office location),I woke sharp at 5. I was surprised to see my nephews getting up with same enthusiasm. We walked from their house,found streets wet all the way,first I was convincing myself these are supposed to be dew drops but when I saw the beach sand wet it was proved that it rained that night. Since it was still dark we couldnt see the clouds clearly, my little nephew started pestering when will the sun come.Around 6 o clock we could see the sky was cloudy,it became clear there was no chance of seeing the sun, its past noon I m writing this blog still I have not seen the sun today. I was looking at sea suddenly a man nearby shouted look at that big fish,it was surprising to see two or three dolphins enjoying their morning swim near Marina,I have dolphins seen dolphins in Arabian sea ,this is the first time I m seeing in Bay of Bengal.
We were enjoying the morning breeze till 7 o clock and walked back home,my elder nephew who couldnt withstand this morning ordeal crashed right away in his bed.Morning breakfast,hot pongal with vadai was prepared by my cousin to feed our hungry stomach.Even though the sun dodged us today morning ,its always refreshing to start a day after going to beach.

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