Friday, May 15, 2009

The book I read..

If you were given one more day with your dead parent, would you be brave enough to accept it.For one more day by Mitch Albom is about it. It mainly deals with human emotions,what one has done with is life making us think in a different way.I have read two other books by him ,Tuesday with Morrie and Five people you meet in heaven.

In this book Charlie is on the verge of commiting sucide. When he goes to his old home where he used to live in the childhood, he meets his mother who supposed to dead eight years ago. The story unfolds about how his mother influenced his life and how he could not live upto her expectations.If he had one chance to talk to his mother what would it be. It was a good read ,relationship between the son and mum is well expressed.Its not as heavy as his other two books but still touches your heart!

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