Monday, April 27, 2009

Site I came accross!

Today I started my day reading few blogs, in one of the blog I came across this sitegapminder.
The blog mainly speaks about the dramatic increase in life expectancy which was 40 years last century and how much we have improved from that stage.It has has data about the per ca pita income of the people living in different parts of the world.
The beauty of the site is the way they have made the statistics look appealing,simple and informative. Visual representation of statistical data makes us wonder how much we have progressed over the last few years.
Good to see countries like India are heading in north east direction (IE) their percapita income as well as life expectancy is an increasing curve corresponding to period of time.
Apart from these comparison there are lot more information in that site to learn
Here is list of other stats put in the site.

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