Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My security audit experience !

Today we had security audit at our office. Morning i cleaned my desk which I never used to bother ,throw ed lots of stuffs into the bin. Then checked whether I cleaned up all the useful stuffs which I saved up in my system :)
I never realised when the auditor came .I was talking with my colleague who is few meters away when I was called by the auditor ,it was too late before I realised I forgot to lock my system while I left. Then I was given a long lecture about the importance of locking the system when I leave the desk.Consequences which might happen if I don't, he opened my mail box and typed a mail to my lead with a subject that I m resigning from the company.After asking apologies and hearing few more minutes of advises he changed to subject as I forgot to lock the system before I leave!wheww got escaped !!!
After this incident even when I am turning to pick my telephone I am locking my system.

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