Saturday, March 28, 2009

few hospital experiences !

Today my uncle's kid was not going well and was taken to hospital. It was a simple fever but doctor was not satisfied by that.They wanted perform all kinds of test so that they could detect what the cause of the disease might be and then arrive at the conclusion .I think of my childhood days where the doctor would recognise the disease just with his stethoscope and thermometer and will give few medicines and I will be alright the next day.And now for a simple cold or cough we end up taking all kinds of tests to make sure we are perfect.
With the improvement in technology new medical machines are discovered everyday.Aren't those advancement in technologies should make our life easy rather complicated.
When I was in Cochin last year,I had wheezing which occurs very rarely. My friend took me to the hospital.I don't know what my friend said to the nurse there maybe he would have said 'my friend could not breath'.There I was taken directly to ICU!!! they put on a oxygen mask,then gave an injection and kept me under observation for few hours, later discharged me.I was wondering why this kind treatment for a simple issue. Now I think twice before going to hospital.
I think there is a simple way anywhere but the trouble is finding it.

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