Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Attack on Srilankan players

Today morning while I was onto something in office my friend pinged me, asking did I see the latest news. I asked whether s about Gandhi's personal belongings coming to auction. He then forwarded the news about the attack made by the terrorist on Srilankan players in the entrance of the Lahore stadium.

It happened in full day light and in spite of the security cover which is supposed to match a VIP function.Actually there was a hand grenade which was put under the bus but luckily it did not explode else consequences would have been disastrous. If Mumbai attacks did not happen our Indian players would have been in that place.Imagine getting headlines that any of our player got injured,the whole country would start erupting and media blowing all horns.Our country may even invoke war against Pakistan.

When Indian tour was cancelled there were comments from Pakistan media,cancelling the tour would sound victory to terrorist and we should not give them that chance. Yea that right but its not an international cricketers responsibility to take such risks play in a country in order to fight terrorism. Its state which should take strong measures against the so called NON STATE actors which ruin the country as well as pose a great threat to the world.

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