Thursday, December 18, 2008

Last day in my team!

For the past three years of my professional life I have been worked with three different teams.Tomorrow is my last day in my current team.
Moving out of a team will always have its own emotions,there will be people who care for you,people adore you,people depend on you.Its a difficult situation to say goodbye.But life has to move on there is one thing in this world which is permanent and that is change.
I have been in this team for the past 20 months ,what I learnt is some techie stuff but what I cherished was the relations I developed. I had trained 4 people in the team and many times I would have thought or introspected myself whether am I guiding them properly.I felt satisfied when each of the them requested me to think twice before leaving the team and how will they miss me.
Yea I too will miss my team!
Keeping my fingers crosses what next!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know the Good byes always hurt. I always believe the changes that come our way is always for our best :)
