Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekend :book read:SSC movie:JK

Almost all weekends I plan something to do rather than counting crows around our house.This weekend read a book by Robin Sharma The Saint, The Surfer, and the CEO. I think I had enough of reading these kinds personality development books.Plot is too similar a person who has been depressed,low in confidence,family in trouble,searching the real meaning for life,gets a chance to meet three people in life gets inspired,back to high levels confidence.Yea it changed the life of that person but it didnt inspire me nor change my way of life. Maybe I should put a small break for reading these kinds of books at least for an year or so.
Yesterday evening we went for a movie Jeyam kondan, one good thing about going for a movie in Cochin is,it just costs you 40Rs,so we dont mind however worse the movie is.Another good thing going for a movie with friends is whatever trash they show you on screen,some funny comments here and there will never make you forget the feel you are watching the movie.I wasnt surprised to see house full on a Sunday evening but for a movie which wasnt much hit in Tamil Nadu.As far as story there nothing to say same old masala movie,wont recommend unless you have some good company to watch along with.

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