Saturday, September 6, 2008

My new campanion!!!

My mobile usage began when I was in final year of my college I got a Nokia 2300, one of the speacial feature it had that time was, it came with an FM connection.I was using that mobile for more than two years until my friends threw me in water at allepy beach, they didnt realise I had mobile in my pocket and it got completely drenched. After that it became a junk piece. It was time to get another mobile. That time my friends Raj and Ashwin took me to the mobile shop insisted to select a mobile not less than 10k.I choose Motorola K1 beacuse I liked the look.There were few issues with it like processing being slow ,getting struck sometimes but I adored my mobile. Then last month when a tree fell on our car on a rainy day ,I took my mobile to call up my dad little did I realise that some rain drops entered into my keypad.My mobile started behaving crazy,I gave the mobile to the service center to rectify it.I was using a old nokia 1100 for the mean time. Those people called me after a week and said it will cost around 6k to repair it as they had to change the mother board in it.Who will pay 6k to repair a mobile when they can get a new one at the same cost.

The process for selecting a new mobile got started on last thursday ,I asked my friends in office which is the best one to get, all were giving lots of opinion.
In below were the basic requirements needed in a mobile
-->Camera more than 2 megapixel
-->Memory Capacity more than 1 GB
-->Good speakers for songs
-->Good brand name
-->EDGE technology( This one I was hearing it for the first time from Jiju,he said never get your new mobile without edge technology ,first I thought he was mentioning phone edges later I realised EDGE is technology using which we can access net via internet)
-->No one should have it in our group(this would have been difficult some years back but now since the options are lot I thought I could still get a unique one)
In short be prepared to burn 15k from your pocket!!!

Friday evening the discussion became more intense that we narrowed down on choosing a sony ericsson mobile.Since I had a nokia and motorola before I thought I can go for Sony this time.Evening I took Saravanan with me to mobile store ,the models I saw in net were not there.But we got impressed with one of the model 910i.Since i haven't read any review about it ,I thought let me wait for a day before confirming my choice.Back home I read the review about that model I had choose,shocked to see most of the feedback were negative, saying that the model restarts itself every 10 minutes.I changed my mind not to get that,now trouble started to choose the other one. Again I went to mobile store,asked the shop keeper whether he is having a better model than 910i ,he said 760i is better one and added one more sentence that it come with a water proof outer cover. This is what I want,cant ask a better feature after having lost my previous two mobile phones to water.Without any second thoughts I choose to get it.

I made my first call to my mum,lucky to get her online.Then loaded few songs,checked for menus and stuff.Overall I started liking it!
Hope I will have a good time with it!