Saturday, September 27, 2008

Life's decisions

An old pond!
A frog jumps in-
(The sound of water.)

This is a Japanese Haiku.What it means(or what I understood) is that the time we live in earth compared with age of the universe is nothing but the time taken by the frog to jump into the water.Say a matter of few seconds. When I think little deep,it is insignificant amount of time we live our life on earth. And why there is lot of clashes struggle stress making our life too complex.We literally forget to enjoy the moments we spend here and always worry about something else. Why do we need to live a life where we are struggling to make each day pass by.

Am I trying to be philosophical, may be I was trying to. Why the above questions were raised by me , just because I want to make my life happy and peaceful? Most of the times when I start a conversation with my friends ,they talk about their problems in life and complexities arising out of it.Why go to to my friends my alter ego always scolds me you are wasting your time,you shouldn't have done that,you are becoming worthless,if you continue be like this no one will respect you.This sometimes leads to frustration,anger and you start to hate being you.If we reach this state life becomes miserable.But I never allow my alter ego to dictate terms over me.Its my life and I make my decisions. Yea some decisions might be wrong have hurt my parents,friends and I have felt bad for them.But we cant reverse things in life.

I have started to write about life on earth and took it my decisions ,yea few decisions make or break our life.Should we allow others to make these decisions for us.I don't know whether I would allow others to make decisions for me but I wont interfere in others decisions.Sometimes it goes to such an extent that I stop my conversation with him until the person is clear with his decision.Whew people may call this escapism,yea what a person will do when has to take care of his book load of his problems :) .But it doesn't mean I care for them.

What point I m making here by writing this??? I don't know just another piece of junk added to blog :) .

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