Saturday, July 12, 2008

Devotional songs in my childhood

Today morning I woke up at 4:30 am rather didnt get proper sleep and started browsing in my system.Ashwin(in aus) was surprised to see me online at an awkward time. He said the time is right to hear subrabatham and he gave me the link for the same. I forgot when I had actually listened to those songs, been ages and never I had voluntaryly heard those.
After subrabatham ,I played Kanda shasti Kavasam which brought back nostalgic moments of my childhood days. There was a time when I used to sit with my grandma everyday and recite the whole shasti kavasam. I even memorised the whole kavasa which I now feel is an herculian task. There would be sense of satisfaction when I finish my recitations and my grandma would be proud lady tellling everyone around the neighbourhood that his grandson knows top to bottom of the kavasam. But these recitations happened only when grandma was with me,when she left to her native my recitations also stopped.And when she returned next time I got bored to say the same slogas again and again. Thus my devotional recitations came to end.

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