Friday, July 25, 2008

Airport Scenes

I have just returned back from airport sending my friend who is leaving to US. Most of her family members have come down to see her off. Apart from few tears in the end everything went well.
There have been lots of instances I have been to receive and send off people at airports. There will lots of emotional and funny moments in air
-->Grandparents waiting in the queue to see thier grand children for the first time
-->Foreigners who look lost having expected something better here.
-->parents n co sending off their child
-->wife s waiting for their husband whose workin in Arab land
-->traders who sneak out tonnes of luggages out very easily when we people get alarmed even when our luggage gets increased by a kg.
-->Some actor or actress(if you are lucky) travelling on the same day
-->people waiting with pluck cards ,despartely looking at everybody .
what I have not seen is the Indian movie climax where in which the heroin runs back to the visitor area to join back with hero.

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