Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Internet-->my connection with the world

For the past few days there was some problem in my net connection ,I thought of spending killing time by watcing TV but after sometime I run out options as nothing I like was being telecasted.
Feeling how internet impacts my day to day life. Two days without net i felt being lonely which was not the case when i m hooked to net all the time. One thing about net is we can browse whatever we like or whatever we want and not forced to watch something which I dont like.
Another funny thing is I have been more close to my friends and relatives over the net.Been ages I met few people but still having touch with them all because of net.
I have been brought to a situation where in which I cant imagine a world without these features!

1 comment:

  1. Yup, its amazing to see how internet has influenced our lives. Your post actually got me thinking :)
