Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My 1st day of my first project!!!

Dec 22rd 2005 I never imagined i would sittin(working) in a government office in my wildest dreams , there I was 1st person to be thrown out of Cochin just two days after i reported in Cochin office,people said it was onsite project but who knows that word has lots of hidden meanings. What a place what an atmosphere the security guard saluting me as if i am a royal prince visiting the premises(I was dressed in full formals as mentioned by company s dress code ).When I entered inside all people staring at me as if I m an alien interfering their privacy. Then went to meet my lead ,after all formalities he told us he will show us the place where we would be working. Following him with lots of anticipation ,he took us upstairs to terrace there was a room rather call it a shed with asbestos roofing on the top, inside which there were three computers .He handed over the keys to me and said lock the door everyday you go out(huge responsibility given on 1st day of my job). Here I was destained to be IT professional sitting at the government office starting at the ceiling oops asbestos wondering what am I doing here!!

1 comment:

  1. dei, awesome da, such a huge responsibility given to you man :)
    Kudos.. !
    Proud of you. !
