Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's in a teddy?

Last weekend I took my cousins for shopping. Being generous I gave them the freedom to choose whatever they want. To tell about them they were totally four in number ages varing between 8 to 16(4 young beauties). Once they entered the mall they barged into the toys section . Not to mention they were looking at soft toys esp grizzly bears(teddies). The youngest choose one which was double her size ,my heart stopped for a second ,it took sometime to convince her the problem of taking it back home. Others got settled with specific varieties as one choose her's because its tail was looking good and other settled with one because it had some curls on its head.(For me almost all looked the same) After finalising their stuffs it was time for me to finish the formalities. They carried them as if carrying a baby looked funny.

I was wondering what they going to do with those after going back home but they didnt let me to do that long. Seems they started the naming ceremony ,as i got it for them they gave the pleasure of choosing it. HUH it was the most difficult part its easier to buy one than doin these formalties. My names where rejected because teddies belonged to a different gender or it was quite common name. At last I blabbered something what came to my mouth and they liked it ! but trouble started there as I had to name two more . Thank God one my cousins asked me whether a name was nice and I approved at that instance!Back home those teddies became a member of our family as these people started their converations with it. Like you looking soooo cuteee...will you sleep now , I will talk tou after having lunch?? etc . I was left wondering whats in a teddy.

But anyways if feels good when you make someone happy!!!

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